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Our impact on forests
© Blackbean Production/WWF
What is the issue?

Threats to the world’s forests are growing. Expanding agriculture and illegal and unsustainable logging, are responsible for most of the degradation of the world’s forests. In degraded forests, small trees, bushes and plants often are severely damaged or dead; rivers are polluted; slopes are eroded; and more.
What are we doing?

WWF seeks to close the gap between how much is available for forest conservation and how much is needed. We are focused on ensuring that agribusinesses, governments and others meet their commitments to help conserve the world’s forests. 
How do we do this?
With support from partners, we;

Increase adoption for Conservation Agriculture and political support to climate smart and ecological agriculture in the Silowana Complex and greater Kafue ecosystem.

Support nationwide operationalisation/ implementation of community forestry. 

Address the conservation challenges of - deforestation due to uncontrolled forest fires, illegal logging, shifting cultivation by local communities and commercial agriculture expansion; soil degradation due to over dependency on mineral fertilizers and soil erosion due to traditional practices and livestock overstocking; wildlife poaching and illegal trade, as well as habitat destruction.
What are the big wins?
So far, we have worked with partners to achieve the following results;
  1. Climate smart agriculture particularly, conservation agriculture, is institutionalized and widely adopted at national level with government/ political commitment reflected in increased budgetary allocations and releases to the agricultural sector. 
  2. We have reforested wildlife dispersal areas, improved connectivity and soils, that has supported high productivity for livelihoods and wildlife. 
  3. 300,000 Ha of forest land has been restored; there is increased community forestry and high adoption of conservation agriculture.